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'Hope & Other Distractions' album is out now

Download or stream here

“Fun, nostalgic college slacker rock with great chemistry and excellent harmonies; merging modern lyricism with a hint of retro flair.”

“Aggressive right off the bat and doesn't let off at all; industrial, grungy, dirty, urgent and ominous.”

"Deep, moody and catchy with steady rhythmic pulses, blending smooth verses with impactful choruses."

"Strong vocals and harmony, deep and rich toned with catchy beats"

"Buzzy guitars with intense, raw and fun vibes"

“Deep, moody with a cool dark tone and great lyrics”

"Cool as hell! Raw, energetic, deep and groovy with captivating melodies"

"90's Alt radio vibe that grows on you. The memorable chorus’ and intricate, diverse instrumentation had me hooked; a creative masterpiece"

"Catchy melody, harmonies and music, discordant and unnatural wall of sound but in a good way"

“Dirty raw garage rock with infectious melodies, great vocals, bursting with energy, vibrant drums and lively instrumentation.”

“Cool and unique lo-fi style, good lyrics with catchy melodies”

(Source: Reverbnation)


Latest News

‘Dysfunction’ video has dropped!

This is the lead track from 'Hope & Other Distractions’.